German house music producer Robin Schulz became an overnight sensation when he scored an international smash hit with his very first commercial release, a lush remix of "Waves" by Dutch rapper Mr. It wasn't as though Schulz hadn't paid his dues, however. By 20, he had his own club night, which he ran for two years before the yen to make his own music led him into production. Schulz experimented for several years before uploading his tracks to YouTube, where his melodic, bouncy pop-house sound earned him millions of views. After the success of his first two singles, his third, "Willst Du" Do You Want Toa remix of a satirical track by Gay Filme Road Trip Vol 10 Las Vegas Dvd Deutschland rapper Alligatoah, was released in Septemberand his debut album, Prayer, followed later that month. Having made his name with remixes, Schulz was not about to mess with the formula, and the album consisted almost entirely of his remixes of other artists' songs, with only a few original productions. Later that year, his remix of "Waves" by Mr. His "Shed a Light" single -- a collaboration with David Guetta and Cheat Codes -- was issued in The song spawned a pair of remix EPs and nearly million streams. The track also appeared the following year on Schulz's full-length Uncovered, which also included the single "OK" featuring James Blunt. A second single, "Oh Child" with Piso 21, arrived in More non-album singles followed, including 's "Rather Be Alone" with Nick Martin and Sam Martin, and 's "In Your Eyes" featuring Alida and "Alane" with Wes. Towards the end of the year, Schulz issued the first track -- the KIDDO-featuring "All We Got" -- from his fourth album, IIII, which was released at the beginning of Buchanan, Rovi. Precociously inclined from a very young age, Felix Jaehn has been involved in the realm of music for quite some time. Having won the prestigious Bambi Award for his international success, he became the youngest artist in history to receive 2 Diamond Award certifications. Jaehn's remix of OMI's 'Cheerleader' achieved the 1 charting position in 55 countries and his follow up single, 'Ain't Nobody', hit 1 in 36 countries. Collaborating with Swedish duo, NOTD on 'So Close', Jaehn once again found himself on the Top 50 charts in 25 countries, notching a bevy of Gold records from the US to Australia making it a total of more than gold and platinum records worldwide. His streaming prowess with 5 billion plays to date, propelled him to stages at Tomorrowland, Parookaville, ULTRA Miami, and more, not to mention being voted 'Best Dance Act' once again at the German Radio Awards. Topic started his career as a Gay Filme Road Trip Vol 10 Las Vegas Dvd Deutschland of numerous artists and then released "Light It Up", which kicked things off at the latter end of The track charted almost instantly. His debut album "Miles" entered the German as well as the Austrian charts. His sophomore single "Home feat. Nico Santos " easily claimed platinum status in Germany and double platinum in Australia. Followed up by further huge EDM tracks such as "Perfect" - a collaboration with Ally Brooke, globally recognized as an essential part of the multi award-winning pop act Fifth Harmony. With his single Breaking Me he set completely new standards in the genre, which he describes as "melancholic dance music". It became one of the most successful singles ofamassing more than one billion combined global streams. The song hit No. For Why Do You Lie To Me feat. Be it the conditions that sparked his DJ-career. Be it his approach of DJing itself or be it his artistic progression, manifested in his productions. Or be it on imprints like Freerange, Pets, Cocoon, Moon Harbour etc. But then, instead of doing the obvious, getting a management, meeting demands, playing those big stages, delivering the hits, Adam once again did what felt best for him. Maintaining artistic integrity, releasing records that reflect where his love for music is at in one moment, not knowing where it might be on the very next release, and keeping DJ-sets not only interesting for a crowd, but also himself. Over the last few years, Purple Disco Machine has emerged as one of the leading electronic producers of a generation.
Filme von A bis Z Alle Filme auf dem Filmaffen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge und für euch zum Abruf bereit: Auf diesem Blog findest Du bisher Beiträge in der Kategorie film. Alle Filme unserer Online-Videothek aus dem Jahr Filme aller Genres auf DVD, Blu-ray und als Stream. Zurück zur Liste aller Jahre. Queere Bibliothek der QBeKAThe same energy was what kicked off his music label Diynamic in A band of brothers with similar ideas, taste in music, and the volition to support each other. Beginners Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Mike Mills. The first song in was called CARECA-INDIAN RAVE. Monique Vereinigtes Königreich — Regie: John Bown. Filter Filter. SCHWULE FILMWOCHE Freiburg - Besondere Erwähnung
Chronologische Filmliste
Zurück zur Liste aller Jahre. Alle Filme auf dem Filmaffen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge und für euch zum Abruf bereit: Auf diesem Blog findest Du bisher Beiträge in der Kategorie film. Find out the ranking of the best DJs in Germany, based on a data-driven algorithm. The. Alle Filme unserer Online-Videothek aus dem Jahr Filme aller Genres auf DVD, Blu-ray und als Stream. Die Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen bedanken sich bei ihren Sponsoren und Partnern für die tatkräftige Unterstützung und gute Zusammenarbeit.Dreams from Strangers Non accettare i sogni dagli sconosciuti Italien — Regie: Roberto Cuzzillo. Abuse Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Arthur J. Feral fängt das Lebensgefühl der Twentysomethings perfekt ein: Mit ihrer erstaunlichen Sensibilität und Tiefe könnte die Serie schnell zum Kult werden. Aus einer bisher nie gekannten Neugierde auf Stadtneuling Juan entwickelt sich bald eine innige Freundschaft und Sehnsucht nach Leben. Styx Kurzfilm, Deutschland — Regie: Falk Chrysologus Ulbrich. Hundstage Dog Day Afternoon Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Sidney Lumet — Oscar an Frank Pierson für Bestes Original-Drehbuch. Kurzfilm, Vereinigtes Königreich — Regie: Samantha Bakhurst , Lea Morement. After the success of his first two singles, his third, "Willst Du" Do You Want To , a remix of a satirical track by German rapper Alligatoah, was released in September , and his debut album, Prayer, followed later that month. Free thought is about to become deadly. Und mit ihm eine neue Form zu lieben. Nach einem Roman von Cesare Pavese, Weltpremiere beim Antonios Geheimnis Ang lihim ni Antonio Philippinen — Regie: Joselito Altarejos. FAQs Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Everett Lewis. In dem emotional aufwühlenden Film spielt Robin Williams den jährigen Bankangestellten Nolan Mack, der sich in seinem beschaulichen Leben gefangen fühlt. At the age of 14 he started producing digital music and in he attended a music school in Wuppertal. Deutschland — Regie: Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss. Packend, spannend, tragisch, dramatisch und voller Gefühl. His second album, Seven Ways, resulted in British and German dance chart entries for the singles "Beautiful Place," "Forbidden Fruit," and "Words" featuring Toni Halliday of Curve. He knows nothing. Before the Fall Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Byrum Geisler. Making Love Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Arthur Hiller. Far West Kurzfilm, Frankreich — Regie: Pascal-Alex Vincent. Drama Chile — Regie: Matias Lira. He reformed his old band and began perfecting a machine-like super tight sound that would bring a rock and roll stage presence to the clubs and resulted in an amazing live show. O Beautiful Kurzfilm, Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Alan Brown. QUEER Filmfest Hamburg Unvergesslicher und anrührender Film. Inhaltsangabe: Oscar ist jung, kreativ, verliebt in seine von Fantasy Filmen geprägte Kunst und hat ein riesiges Problem: er lebt im tiefsten Provinzloch Neufundlands allein mit seinem kauzigen Vater. Mutig, temperamentvoll, überwältigend. Weltkrieg - Die DVD-Enzyklopädie [ The Video-Encyclopedia of World War Two ] Der Kindergarten Daddy [ Daddy Day Care - D-Day is coming. Rampa 20 Monthly Listeners: 4. Inhaltsangabe: Pol ist ein schüchterner Jugendlicher, der mit dem Erwachsenwerden kämpft. Siegessäule Einer der zärtlichsten Charaktere, die Williams je gespielt hat. Inhaltsangabe: Drei lesbische Aliens werden in einer ganz besonderen Mission auf die Erde gesandt: Sie sollen sich von Erdlingen endlich einmal die Herzen brechen lassen, damit ihre überbordenden romantischen Gefühle nicht weiter die Ozonschicht ihres Heimatplaneten Zots zerstören. Doch nachdem Saffron erwachsen geworden und bereit ist, ihren Weg zu gehen, muss Alex all ihre Kraft zusammennehmen, um sich ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit zu stellen Unter dem Deckmantel einer falschen Identität stellt er dort Nachforschungen an und lernt dabei einen Freund seines Sohnes, den schönen Fabien, kennen.