About Us Privacy Policy Removal Request. Stephen James Hendry. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. If you dialyou can leave an audio post for your followers. The beast stephen james hendry. Stephen James Hendry Stephen James avatars avatars rpg ressources faceclaim rpg ressources avatars rpg. I'm too past wrath that I'm calm. He smoked his first cigarette at twelve, rolled up his first joint at thirteen, got into his first bar fight at fourteen and the first tattoo right after that. Dad out of the picture, mom working double shifts to get them by. Ryden narrowly missed juvy after stealing a car and driving it into a ditch at fifteen, ending his teen years as a high school dropout. Between gangs, drugs and a bit of rock'n'roll, Ryden was lucky to survive till his twenties, given his self-destructive behavior and tendency to fight anything that had a social security number. Until a girl happened. Ryden got all straightened up for his Sarah, got a decent job as a construction worker and rented a dingy little place where she could hang her artsy photos and paintings. She was an art major and she read poetry. She had Gay Bottom Belgium Tumblr hair and sometimes snorted when she laughed. She put up with his snark and liked the stories behind his tattoos, even if they were a bit exaggerated. One night, Ryden returned home to his Sarah dead on the floor, a pool of blood like a red halo around her head. A group of thugs Gay Bottom Belgium Tumblr owed some money to had broken in, taking bitter revenge. The next thing Ryden knew was that he was at a funeral, standing over a freshly buried grave. In return for a favor, he promised to give Ryden a rare gift that would change his life forever. Naturally, Ryden declined, finding the man crazy for asking. Needless to say, this bite had indeed changed Ryden forever. After this, he moved about, running away from the man in black, his roamings taking him to America, to a town called Greywood. There, he'd found things he thought he'd never come to deserve - people he could call friends despite his tendency to snarl at anyone inching close to knowing him better, a steady couple of jobs, both of which he actually kind of sort of runs look at him, adulting successfullyand a pack to belong to, which placed its trust into his rough hands with reliance that still blew his mind by naming him the alpha - their wolf in charge. A fresh start, until time runs out and the devil comes to collect his dues Upon spending a few years in Greywood, Ryden acquired keen animal instincts that are border-lining with precognition, a very sharp sixth sense and passive perception which can anticipate impending danger and almost predict things seconds before they happen - every other supernatural ability he has was acquired prior to moving to the town, such as those related to his hybridization when he was turned into a werewolf, influenced by demon blood. Due to this, his mid-shift form is similar to a stereotypical horror-style werewolf - a creature Gay Bottom Belgium Tumblr a wolf's head, covered in fur but walking upright on two legs. In this form, he loses all conscience and his strength, speed and healing abilities double, but he has no memory of his actions, cannot control it and is most bloodthirsty then, with almost all of his humanity gone. At that time, he is also most susceptible to the control the creature who turned him has over him. Feel free to ask if you want one of those with a quote on it. INVASION of the BODY SNATCHERS written by W. Richter from the novel by Jack Finney produced by Robert Solo directed by Philip Kaufman starring Donald Sutherland Brooke Adams Leonard Nimoy Jeff Goldblum Veronica Cartwright Art Hindle cinematography by Michael Chapman edited by Douglas Stewart music by Danny Zeitlin. JAWS written by Carl Gottlieb from the novel by Peter Gay Bottom Belgium Tumblr produced by Richard D. Zanuck and David Brown directed by Steven Spielberg starring Roy Scheider Robert Shaw Richard Dreyfus Lorraine Gary Murray Hamilton Carl Gottlieb cinematography by Bill Butler edited by Verna Fields music by John Williams.
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