About Us Privacy Policy Removal Request. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. Tumblr has Amy Poehler inside out 2 inside out joy Pete Docter Ronnie del Carmen mighty bee Erik Wiese Cynthia True sherk sherk 2 William Steig Alvin and the Chipmunks Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 Tim Hill Jon Vitti Horton Hears a Who! Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic Prime Shadow the Hedgehog Animation Man of Action SEGA Netflix CGI Deven Mack Ian Hanlin. Here are all the remaining questions I have about the show! These are more up to debate, since it's most likely it wasn't fully fleshed out in the writer's room, but I did want to add them here anyway:. Can the Shards break into smaller pieces? Is it possible to drain all the energy from the Shards? And, if so, what would happen to the Shatterspaces? Did Eggman make clones of himself but at different ages? Is this the ray of light allegory, when light shines through a prism and it scatters? Or could the Prism has been broken before cycle theory be true? Or, just like Sonic, Eggman being close to the Prism affect his "look-alikes"? That he's gay? GET GAY BEAMED YOU HOT TOPIC WANNABE. I've been watching Sonic Prime being created ever since Day 1. Of course, I haven't been able to see any leaks of it, they kinda ruin Autobahn Gay Tumblr Circle fun of it all. But I've been hyped ever since the first trailers came out. The multiverse thing has been all the craze for movies and shows, this was no different. As I said at the beginning of this essay, Sonic got a bit of my interest years ago but I never went further into Autobahn Gay Tumblr Circle. That was until Prime and Frontiers caught it again. I've heard about how the Sonic fandom was toxic and such, but I know it doesn't apply to all of the fans, so I decided to give Sonic a chance. Besides, I've learned to not take things too seriously, after all it's just a speedy blue hedgehog going on adventures. You should've seen me a year ago, I binged through:. Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog I even made some art of it with Ace Attorney characters, Link. Hey, I was and still am a Ace Attorney girlie. So, entering into the Sonic fandom, it was kind of familiar in some ways. The two starve for some content, at times being years of waiting. Just as in any fandom, people may have arguments here and there but when it counts, people come together and enjoy the moment. When it comes to Prime, I had a fun time. There were times that got me hyped like the references, Prismatic Sonic 2nd form, Shadow every single time he comes up on screenand times that I really got me audibly going "aww" like the Rose sisters, Sonic being silly lil' goof. Then there are all the times I was SCREAMING like a fangirl
CLICK HERE FOR RADIO! The photo below is a screen-cap from a Zoom record of Sonic Prime's "Avoid The Void. Nichts weniger. Nach seinen liebevoll absurden Auftritten im Golden Pudel Club und im legendären Kraniche Bei Den Elbbrücken sowie der Veröffentlichung seines Romans "Lights: A Novel With An Index" kehrt Davie nun nach Hamburg zurück um erneut alle Erwartungen zu brechen. Text: Anna-Carla Brokof.
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