Drug use can make you lose control of your safer sex behavior. Drug use is never without risk. Among other things, there is the danger of becoming addicted. We do not want to encourage anyone to do drugs. But if you have decided to do so, you can find information here on how to reduce health risks and what to do in an emergency. No matter what you take, make sure you know what to expect. And think about how you can pay attention to safer sex even when you're high. Drugs are often consumed at chemsex parties. They stimulate, lower inhibitions, increase endurance. But if you take too much, the fun is over quickly. Chems can also make you take greater risks. You should only have sex on drugs with people you trust. Clarify beforehand what you do and what you don't do and have safer sex utensils ready. Fesseln First Time Gay taking a drug, stick with this one. When you mix different substances, dangerous interactions are possible. For example, the effect can be intensified. You should first try something new in your private environment. Whether HIV medication, Viagra, antidepressants - the combination with drugs can be risky. Some drugs weaken the effect of an HIV therapy. Especially at the beginning of an HIV therapy you should avoid drugs. Get all the information about interactions under www. By the way, when your parties last longer than usual: bring plenty of HIV medication. When "slamming" injecting drugs only use your own syringe. This way you protect yourself from HIV and hepatitis. And, you should not share other items. Dose carefully: injected drugs work very quickly and intensively. For snorting only use your own tube because of hepatitis. Banknotes are sharp-edged, can hurt your nose and are full of germs. In an acute emergency, call ! As a general rule: only take drugs when you are in good health and ideally when together with friends. Pay attention to one another and never leave anyone alone at a party. When the others know what you are taking, you can be helped better in an emergency. You want to talk about your recent experiences with chems? You want to regain more control over your consumption habits? You want to stop using chems? Then our Chemsex counseling Fesseln First Time Gay for you.
We can discuss your situation, your worries and fears and can refer you, if necessary. Die Gefahren kennt man, die Folgen kann man sehen und spüren. Checkpoint BLN has developed a self-test questionnaire that can help you with your risk assessment. Draven Torres Rangordnung Hoss Kado Rangordnung Sean Taylor Rangordnung. Sebastian Kane Rangordnung Sean Taylor Rangordnung Draven Torres Rangordnung. Du interessierst dich vielleicht für BDSM, Dominanz oder Unterwerfung, brauchst vielleicht eine Begleitung beim Dessous-Shopping oder möchtest dich mit einer Körperpflegesitzung verwöhnen lassen, Rodrigo begleitet dich gerne und hilft dir, die unendlichen Möglichkeiten zu entdecken.
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