CONCERTS FESTIVALS SPORTS NIGHTLIFE THEATER MORE. Photo: Frank Schwichtenberg. Opened in the early seventies, Fabrik is a popular venue that features all kinds of musical styles, including jazz, funk, blues, punk and world music. The audience can either stand in front of the stage, sit on one of the wooden benches or enjoy the music from the gallery upstairs. There are two bars, a cafe and a snack bar, which offer a variety of refreshments. The Fabrik also hosts flea markets, activities for children and club events like the 'Gay Factory', 'Danceteria' and the Altonaer dance night. ADD EVENT. Upcoming Events 22 germany. Sunday - 29 Dec TRIVUE - Mehr Triathlon an einem Gay Factory Fabrik Hamburg geht nicht. Monday - 20 Jan LaFee Hamburg Tickets. Tuesday - 28 Jan Brian Jonestown Massacre. Thursday - 30 Jan Tommy Emmanuel. Wednesday - 05 Feb Set It Off. Tuesday - 11 Feb Orange Blossom CANCELLED. Friday - Gay Factory Fabrik Hamburg Feb Friday - 21 Feb Cattle Decapitation. Saturday - 22 Feb Porter Robinson. Other Popular Venues Stage Theater im Hafen. Haus Drei. Barclays Arena. Theater an der Elbe. Operettenhaus Hamburg. Altonaer Theater. Pauli Theater. Hamburger Puppentheater im Haus Flachsland. Lola Kulturzentrum e. Already have an account? Sign In. Forgot your password? Sign in with Facebook. Don't have an account? Sign Up Now. As a verified user, you will be granted access to our quick upload forms, that allow you to upload content faster. Forgot Password. Please select the account you would like to continue with. You will be automatically logged off from the other account.
Event-Locations in Hamburg
GayFactory in der Fabrik, Hamburg - schwule Tanzparty - Travel Gay Die Gayfactory feierte ihren Geburtstag mit einer "Big Birthday Bash" in der Fabrik in Hamburg am April Die Veranstaltung bot Musik aus den. MAGAZINEVENTSFOTOSLOCATIONS · Hamburg» Fabrik Hamburg. Gay Factory. Startseite - Fabrik HamburgTuesday - 11 Feb Love this 2. Für alle anderen Cookie-Typen benötigen wir Ihre Erlaubnis. Filter by rating. Altonaer Theater.
12.02.11 - Hamburg - Gay Factory - Fabrik
Hamburg» Fabrik Hamburg» Gay Factory. Zum mal öffnet due GAYFACTORY sei. Gay Factory. MAGAZINEVENTSFOTOSLOCATIONS · Hamburg» Fabrik Hamburg. DIEGAYFACTORY/ FABRIK PÄSENTIERT: G A Y F A C T O R Y UHR LES-BI-SCHWULE PARTY IN DER FABRIK! Fotograf: Todde · prev · next. ImpressumNutzungsbedingungenDatenschutzWerbungKontaktJobsFotoscout. Die Gayfactory feierte ihren Geburtstag mit einer "Big Birthday Bash" in der Fabrik in Hamburg am April Die Veranstaltung bot Musik aus den. Kommentare.Kärbholz Live Sign Up Now. Overall rating. Registriert eine eindeutige ID, um Statistiken der Videos von YouTube, die der Benutzer gesehen hat, zu behalten. Search reviews Search reviews. Ohne diese Cookies können wichtige Funktionen nicht bereitgestellt werden und möglicherweise wird der Zugriff auf bestimmte Bereiche verweigert. People Also Viewed. Cookie-Details einblenden. The audience can either stand in front of the stage, sit on one of the wooden benches or enjoy the music from the gallery upstairs. Qype User Na… London, United Kingdom. Good for Groups. Hamburg, Germany. Suggest an edit. TRIVUE - Mehr Triathlon an einem Abend geht nicht. Köpi Othmarschen. Orange Blossom CANCELLED. Even so there was loads of space. You can buy food inside, there hardly a queue for the beer, no queues for the toilets etc. Thee Sacred Souls. Der FABRIK Newsletter ist wirklich gut. There are two bars, a cafe and a snack bar, which offer a variety of refreshments. The Fabrik also hosts flea markets, activities for children and club events like the 'Gay Factory', 'Danceteria' and the Altonaer dance night. Andreas S. The Hooters 45 Alive - 45th Anniversary Tour Don't have an account? Kyti Voo. Registriert eine eindeutige ID, die von Google verwendet wird, um Statistiken dazu, wie der Besucher YouTube-Videos auf verschiedenen Websites nutzt, zu behalten. Wednesday - 05 Feb