Auch können sich Community-Mitgleider somit viel besser vernetzen und ohne lange Texte ein Hallo in die Runde winken. Daddies können also auch Nachbardaddies und Littles andere Littles aus der Nachbarschaft erkennen. Empfehlung: - Region zweistellige PLZ-Kennung, bspw - Rolle - Alter - Geschlecht sidentität Beispiel: 65 DaddyDom, 25M Hinweis: Status, Suche oder andere Inseratsdinge aber nicht hier… Dafür sind Inserate da oder Profiltexte als Informationsquelle. Single oder nicht ist hier egal. Wer hier schreibt, ist ohne Garantie auf Echtheit, Rollenart oder Verirrung… also, wie gehabt insbesondere an die Littles gerichtet : Passt gut auf euch auf. For more than two thousand years, various forms of diapers have been used on infants with the sole purpose of catching urine and feces excreted in an uncontrolled manner. Up to the 19th century, diapers were barely comparable to the well-known modern versions and were rather made provisionally from wool or linen yarn instead. In the 19th century, the terry towelling diapers appeared, which were later often combined with rubber pants to increase their effectiveness. The first disposable diapers came up after World War II, and due to the convenience they offered for busy parents they displaced cloth diapers more and more in the following decades. However, in each generation, mothers and fathers, wifes and husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends existed who were able Dad Gay Spank Fuck Tumblr see the potential of diapers far beyond their practical function. Those few discovered their usefulness for educational purposes and learned to appreciate their correctional influences on the behavior of young adults and partners. This post is part of a series of illustrated articles intended to show the evolution of diaper punishment into diaper discipline and, eventually, diaper training. Up to the s, diapers were used for educational purposes mostly in form of diaper punishment, i. Since diapers were only worn for a short period of time and often supervised by a caregiver, the implementation Dad Gay Spank Fuck Tumblr further rules was not necessary. The caregiver would either demand to use the diaper for its intended purpose or the disciplinary action was more focused on the humiliating aspect of being diapered for a set amount of time. In many cases, diaper punishment was combined with additional measures like spankings or enemas. Figure 1. An illustration of a mother about to give her adult daughter an enema. The lubricating cream as well as the plug indicate that the enema is not given for medical reasons. The humiliating aspect contributes to the general punishment of dealing with the cramps caused by the hot, soapy water in her intestine until she is allowed to relieve herself on the toilet in the background. Protective rubber panties are already prepared on the cistern and are to be worn afterwards ca. Figure 2. A young woman showing her boyfriend the state of her towelling nappy during a hike, a pair of plastic panties pulled down to her knees. The smile on her face suggests that she is already used to wearing diapers on a regular basis ca. Figure 3. A young woman undergoing a form of correctional long-term diaper punishment in a precursor of modern diaper training facilities, which was a common procedure for women cheating on their partner. Supervised by nurses, cribs, straightjackets and plastic clothing made sure that diapers stayed on and got used for their intended purpose, while mattresses and furniture were adequately protected. A desired outcome were incontinent wifes or girlfriends, since studies showed that the temptation for cheating again basically dropped to zero ca. Figure 4. In order to increase the humiliating aspect of her diaper punishment, this young woman has been placed on a toilet with her cloth diapers and plastic panties still on ca. Figure 5. Two young women working as housemaids, just dressed in lingerie and diapers. The perspective of getting changed into a fresh diaper once all of their duties were fullfilled served as a very effective incentive for them to get housework done as quickly and thoroughly as possible ca. Hey my fellow littles! So some time ago I was browsing through some site and came across 30 rules for a little. But I do still have the screenshots. I really wish that I had a Daddy or Mommy to enforce these rules for me. You will not speak like a big boy or girl 2. No bad words 3. Never touch your diaper 4. If you need a diaper change you must find an appropriate way to tell an adult using baby talk 5. Never remove your clothes 6. Never fuss or talk back to grown ups 7.
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Discover more posts about cornertime, corporal punishment, domestic discipline, discipline. See a recent post on Tumblr from @lowecaning about caning. Naughty Latino Step Son Gabe Bradshaw Gets Spanked And Rough Fucked By Hunk Step Father - FamilyDick anime massage erotic massage straight guys first time gay. Gay Bondage Stories · Tumblr Old Gay Men · Older Gay Sex · Older Men Fucking Gay · Old Gay Men Having Sex · Gay Male Bondage · Naked Gay Old Men · Old Gay Men. Explore Tumblr posts and blogs tagged as #Leather daddy with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgik.So schnell wollte ich ihn aber nicht erlösen. Melkung Für bereits erfahrene Melksklaven kann eine vierte Melkung angeordnet werden. Die Freundin der Schwester beobachtet, wie ein Junge kommt Nabin Chaulagain. Die andere Fotze griff in seine Adidas Chile 62 Pants. Michael lachte dabei und Strich über das Gummi von Sam. Ich konnte nicht anders und drückte ihm den Rest auch noch rein. It looked like he was in some sort of living room. Support und Hilfe Content-Löschung Kundendienst kontaktieren FAQ Vertrouwen en Veiligheid Elterliche Kontrolle Rückmeldung. Sam erschrak als er das hörte und versuchte sich zu wehren was Michael aber unterband und sagte Wehr dich nicht meine Sau bleib ruhig das schadet sonst der Fleischqualität. How many cars are there in line? If Princess asks to use the big girl potty when in nappies she will be taken to her baby potty, sat down by Daddy and made to go potty in full view of Daddy followed by having her bum wiped by Daddy and put back in nappies. There was roar from the crowd and all of the men raised their hands. Mittlerweile hatte er sich seinen Schwanz gegriffen und wichste ihn langsam. Physical Care! Sams Schwanz lag nun in seiner vollen Pracht ausserhalb des Anzuges. Das Volumen des Analplugs wird leicht vergrössert, Klammern an den Brustwarzen angesetzt. Los, mach schon! Die zwei Brüder haben sich um die Stelle als Hauswart beworben. Den Schlauch befestigte Michael an der Stange und schraubte den Filter an den Schlauch. Nun war mein Penis an der Reihe. He was now standing up. Rasch zog ich meinen Schwanz aus seinem geschundenen Loch und fing an mich fertig zu wichsen. Daddy bats your hand away. Michael zog die Kette wieder an. Alter Mann Fickt Jung. Er sah die Messer an der Wand und auf dem glänzenden Tisch der mit Rädern wie ein Servierwagen aussah. He could barely open his eyes. Was eine Drecksau, denke ich mir. A fucking spanking?! Just a few more feet and he could pull himself up to the door…. He was tall, maybe 6'3, in bleached skin tight black jeans and massive leather boots.