To browse Academia. Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin This contribution investigates the factors that led to the development of "sexual health" salu togenesis and locates the term in a contemporary and historical perspective. Furthermore, the relevance of this concept, which was presented by the WHO and has undergone significant expansion since it was first defined, is discussed. While the sexual liberation that has been promoted since the s did not necessarily mean that personal sexual needs are lived out in a healthier way, it did introduce the possibility to realise intimate fantasies and desires. The following paper aims to locate a line of tradition since antiquity and the Middle Ages, without wanting or being able to define an inevitable continuity: Free Gay Porn Venen Überzogener Penis course, it is necessary to consider the acceleration of the development in the last 50 years separately, for it is possible to trace a shift from sexual morals to sex as a cultural asset. This contribution provides a detailed exami nation of the "sexual revolution" and the resulting gradual acceptance of all sexual ex pres sions and varieties legal in the Germanspeaking areaas well as the health consequences this may have led to as a result. Virus: Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, The paper explores the changing concepts of sexual health under which German sex education operated during the twentieth century. The four main, at times tough overlapping concepts defined sexuality as sinful, as a danger to public health, as a controllable risk to the individual, or as something that can be negotiated and managed. Using discourses about contraception for young people as an example, I investigate how these concepts operated in sex education material published for young people between c. Rather, from the late s sex education became part of a neoliberal governmentality strategy and contraception an important technology of the self that was mediated in sex education material. Young people had to learn these sexual technologies of the self and negotiate their sexual activities with their partner. By the end of the nineteenth century, in many European countries, venereal diseases VD had become a metaphor for moral decay and decadence in society. Although medical understanding and knowledge of VD rapidly improved during the nineteenth century, no progress was made in respect to VD treatment. The development of Salvarsan in by Paul Ehrlich and his team was an important breakthrough in treating syphilis. However, treatment with Salvarsan was risky and could lead to very serious side effects. At the end of the World War II, Free Gay Porn Venen Überzogener Penis became an effective drug for treating syphilis as well as gonorrhoea efficiently and with no serious side effects. As a response to the spread of VD, European countries introd uced various public health strategies and VD policies. Such policies were, on the one hand, concerned with the controling of VD patients and, on the other hand, with public health education and VD prophylaxis. Whereas some countries relied on restrictive VD control measures, other countries favoured a voluntary approach. Some countries informed their population about VD prophylactics e. At the beginning of the twenty-first century STI remain a serious global and transnational threat to health and wellbeing. New research questions in the history of German sexology and sexual medicine include a new look at the Imperial and the Weimar Republic periods and Magnus Hirschfeld as a protagonist, as well as the contemporary history of the discipline in the Federal Republic with the two formative institutes in Frankfurt Volkmar Sigusch and Hamburg Eberhard Schorsch. In the post-war period, the tendency to try to solve social problems through endocrinological and surgical approaches continued. This included the voluntary castration of sex offenders, which has been regulated by law in the West Germany since Questions of gender identity do not only arise in the context of gender reassignment surgery. They also have high social relevance and have become increasingly politicized in recent years. These questions are also persistently relevant for urology and clinical sexual medicine. Die Herstellung des sexuellen und erotischen Körpers in der westdeutschen Jugendzeitschrift BRAVO in den er und er Jahren 1. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Heft 1 Sexuelle Revolution? Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im deutschsprachigen Raum seit den er Jahren, Was ist von der »Sexuellen Revolution« geblieben? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes fragen nach dem Wandel der Sexualität im deutschsprachigen Raum seit den er Jahren. Anhand von Konzepten wie der Politisierung, Therapeutisierung und Normalisierung der Sexualität sowie der Frage nach ihrer Emotionalisierung, Somatisierung und Ausrichtung am »partnerschaftlichen« Beziehungsideal wird der Erkenntniswert einer an Prozessen orientierten zeithistorischen Forschung sowie der Wissens- und der Körpergeschichte geprüft. Indem die Beiträge den verschiedenen Facetten des »Sexualitätsdispositivs« seit den er Jahren sowie deren teilweise weit zurückreichender Geschichte nachspüren, zielen sie darauf ab, die These von einer »Sexuellen Revolution« historisch und kritisch zu befragen. Care for the sick and femininity are often linked almost as a matter of course. However, gender relations in urban charitable institutions of the late Middle Ages were much more complex. Using the city of Strasbourg as an example, the book examines the broad spectrum of women and men who worked in four of the city's charitable institutions - a general hospital, a leper hospital, a pox hospital and an alms office. It focuses on access to offices, working practices and the division of labour, gender norms and gender relations on the level of supervision, management, and nursing and medical care. The book illustrates the relevance and dynamics that gender-specific ideals from the context Free Gay Porn Venen Überzogener Penis marriage, family, and household held for the organization of medical charity, and thus opens up new perspectives on the continuities and changes in urban charitable institutions between around and The book is written in German but contains a detailed English Free Gay Porn Venen Überzogener Penis. Lebensreform um und Alternativmilieu um Kontinuitäten und Brüche in Milieus der gesellschaftlichen Selbstreflexion im frühen und späten Jahrhundert, ed.
Geopolitik, Konflikte und Krieg - 2018
DE Kat. Ch/Bio/ApplSc - Basisprodukte by PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co KG - Issuu Akt; ). A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. „Sagen Sie ihm, dass er für die Träume seiner Jugend soll Achtung tragen, wenn er Mann sein wird“. Und. (Don Carlos, 4. Deutschland-Fahrräder, August Stukenbrok Katalog - VelopediaVon da an, seit genau drei Monaten, ist der syrische Luftraum unantastbar. Dieser Tage wurde das Verfahren neu aufgerollt. Behandlung gehen. Verwendung z. Fotomaterial vorhanden sein.
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