Rudert, S. Soziale Ausgrenzung. Konsequenzen, Motive, und moralische Beurteilung [Social Exclusion. Consequences, motives and attributions. Wolf, T. Exploring solidarity-based attitudes and behaviors regarding disadvantaged groups: The role of justice sensitivity and social identification. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Ball, E. Whose misbehavior is inexcusable—And which one? Journal of Applied Social Psychology54 11— Büttner, C. Ostracism experiences of sexual minorities: Integrating target perspective and perception by others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletinonline first. It will never stop hurting: Do repeated or chronic experiences of exclusion lead to hyper- or hyposensitive psychological responses? Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 27 2 Janke, S. Migration background and parental education differentially predict social ostracism and belongingness. Kachel, S. Gaining masculine power through guns? The impact of masculinity threat on attitudes towards guns. Frontiers in Psychology. Speech Communication, Louvet, E. The role of legitimizing the social hierarchy in the impact of status on perceived assertiveness and competence. British Journal of Social Psychology, 63 Morphosyntactic stereotypes of speakers Deutchland Thinker Chockolate Gay different genders and sexual orientations: An experimental investigation. Linguistics, online first. Roth, J. Election results can decrease intergroup threat and through that positively affect intergroup relations Political Psychology advance online publication. Saxler, F. Did descriptive and prescriptive norms about gender equality at home change during the COVID pandemic? A cross-national investigation. Albath, E. Young, unemployed, excluded: Unemployed young adults experience more ostracism. European Journal of Social Psychology. Bogado, N. Framing the inclusiveness of the national ingroup: Do identity-related frames affect national identity representations salience? International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Deutchland Thinker Chockolate Gay 6 The use of identity-related frames in electoral pledges and its effects on Euroscepticism in France and Germany. European Union Politics24 3— Showing with whom I belong: The desire to belong publicly on social media. Computers in Human Behavior, Daumiller, M. Cheating as a prosocial act?
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