Deeply intertwined with Western notions about gender and sexuality as they were developed since the late 19 th century, there have existed a variety of approaches that can be subsumed under this name. Underlying all of these earlier practices was a certain pathological view, the notion that homosexuality is less desirable than heterosexuality, and that sexual orientation is a mutable variable that can be changed, which persists in some milieus until today. This attitude, however, is historically grown. First, sporadic experiments in the former direction can be traced back to late 19 th century medical doctors operating mainly from German-speaking Central Europe e. Steinach, Krafft-Ebing, Hirschfeld, Freudwhich is why this project places special emphasis on a transnational discourse emanating from the German-speaking world. By placing transatlantic exchange of experts and expertise on this issue at the center of my inquiry, this project builds on most currently existing research on the topic, which has tended to focus on Anglo-American contexts exclusively, while also diverging and adding to it from a new perspective. In both, English- and German-language publications of historical homosexual subcultures, the issue of the nature of sexual orientation comes up constantly. The medical discourse was in this context a unifying element in the sense that it provided early activists with words to describe their situation and feelings, justification of their existence outside of the criminal system, as well as a backdrop against which one could position oneself. Consequently, a large variety of texts on the origin and treatment of homosexuality circulated over the 20 th century between different activist communities on both continents. In summary, this project explores the history of practices aimed at changing sexual orientation in the 20 th century from a transnational perspective. Merle Sophia Ingenfeld studied history and media studies at the Universities of Bonn and St Andrews and graduated with a B. Between andshe pursued an M. The corresponding M. American Homophile Movement. During her undergraduate studies Merle was a student assistant to the Chair for Constitutional, Social and Economic History at the University of Bonn — From to she gained professional experience in event organizing, project and social media management while working as an assistant at the Max Weber Stiftung. Since AprilMerle is an EUmanities fellow at the a. Graduate School Gay Ego Perspektiv Porn the Humanities Cologne. At the University of Cologne, her doctoral dissertation thesis is supervised by Prof. Anke Ortlepp and Prof. Norbert Finzsch North American History. Her supervisor in Canada is Prof. Jennifer Evans German and European History ; a Cotutelle with Carleton University in Ottawa Gay Ego Perspektiv Porn in progress. Contact : m. A Symposium Commemorating Helmut Schmidt, Deutscher HistorikertagHamburg University Germany. Interdisziplinäres studentisches Symposium der Fachschaft Geschichte der Universität BonnUniversity of Bonn Germany. Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Cologne; MSCA-co-funded under HorizonEuropean Union. Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Cologne. Courtesy of the Stonewall National Museum and Archive, Wilton Manors, Florida USA. Graduate School Show subpages About a. Research International Postdoc Doctorate Master Contact Research Show subpages Doctoral Dissertation Projects of the Integrated Track Graduate Classes of the Integrated Track Gay Ego Perspektiv Porn Projects at the Research Lab Ehrendoktorwürde Doctoral Dissertation Projects of the Integrated Track Show subpages Ingenfeld, Merle. Doctoral dissertation project of Merle Ingenfeld. Short biography Merle Sophia Ingenfeld studied history and media studies at the Universities of Bonn and St Andrews and graduated with a B.
Sexual Cultures
The Sexologist Albert Moll – between Sigmund Freud and Magnus Hirschfeld - PMC Sexual prejudice and gender: Do heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men differ? The Ego Identity Status Approach to Ego Identity. In J.E. Marcia. Anhand der Debatte um HIV-Antikörpertests und „Safer Sex“ in den er Jahren in der BRD wird im Artikel aufgezeigt, wie die Entwicklung eines Modells der. Ingenfeld, MerleSchulte Robert W. Such developments had to be opposed as well as the assumption that something hereditary could not be influenced. Buch Erfordert eine Authentifizierung Nicht lizenziert Lizenziert Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings. Band 50 in dieser Reihe. Band 2 in dieser Reihe. Simpson trial, the affair between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky now stands as the seminal cultural event of the 90s.
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What queer modes of resilience and care can teach us about enduring environmental collapse. The Ego Identity Status Approach to Ego Identity. Albert Moll was one of the most influential sexologists during the first three decades of the twentieth century. What does it mean to be at the end of life, the end of a family. Sexual prejudice and gender: Do heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men differ? Anhand der Debatte um HIV-Antikörpertests und „Safer Sex“ in den er Jahren in der BRD wird im Artikel aufgezeigt, wie die Entwicklung eines Modells der. In J.E. Marcia.Martin Dannecker , Reimut Reiche , Der gewöhnliche Homosexuelle. Zurück zum Zitat Chard AN, Finneran C, Sullivan PS, Stephenson R. Zum Nürnberger Fall: Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe , Solidarität der Uneinsichtigen. Band 30 in dieser Reihe. Via Austria and Switzerland he arrived in France in Problem beim Laden der Informationen Leider konnten wir die Bilder zur Produktsicherheit aufgrund eines Problems nicht anzeigen. Audible Hörbücher herunterladen. Berlin: Springer. Both a celebration of black gay male identity as well as a powerful critique of the structures that allow for the production of that identity, Black Gay Man introduced the eloquent voice of Robert Reid-Pharr in cultural criticism. Verstärkt wurde dieser Konflikt durch die Gründung des Bundesverbandes Homosexualität BVH in Köln. Sulloway, Freud: Biologist of the Mind: Beyond the Psychoanalytic Legend New York: Basic Books, , I don't know what to do with my same-sex sexuality. Band 41 in dieser Reihe. Innerhalb der westdeutschen und insbesondere West-Berliner Schwulenszene bewarben eine Vielzahl schwulenpolitischer Initiativen, Szeneclubs und -magazine die neue Schutzimpfung, unten ihnen der Motorsport Club Berlin MSC Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie. Adebajo SB, Eluwa GI, Allman D, Myers T, Ahonsi BA. Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Cologne; MSCA-co-funded under Horizon , European Union. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. I was expecting mentorship on accepting your sexual identity and aligning it with your faith. Identität und Individualisierung: Riskante Chancen zwischen Selbstsorge und Zo-nen der Verwundbarkeit - sozialpsychologische Perspektiven. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Berlin, München, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. Zurück zum Zitat Mohr JJ, Kendra MS. CrossRefPubMed Williamson LM, Dodds JP, Mercey DE, Hart GJ, Johnson AM. J Pers Assess. Though American crime novels are often derided for containing misogynistic attitudes and limiting ideas of masculinity, Greg Forter maintains that they are instead psychologically complex and sophisticated works that demand closer attention. Vor diesem Hintergrund traf besonders die vom Frankfurter Sexualwissenschaftler Martin Dannecker geb. For him, Hirschfeld not only discredited their shared scientific interests, which were struggling for acceptance anyway, he also damaged the reputation of the fatherland abroad, particularly in France, to whose scholars Moll owed so much, according to himself. Diese könnten auch einen Gemeinschaftssinn im Sinne des salutogenetischen Kohärenzgefühls herstellen The City and the Grass Roots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Move-ments. Dresden: Reissner;