Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Loon Songs Trilogy 1 Song of the Loon. Richard Amory. Published well ahead of its time, in by Greenleaf Classics, Song of the Loon is a lusty gay frontier romance that tells the story of Ephraim MacIver, a 19th-century outdoorsman, and his travels through the American wilderness, where he meets a number of characters who share with him stories, wisdom and homosexual encounters. The most popular erotic gay book of the s, Song of the Loon was the inspiration for two sequels, a film of the same name, at least one porn movie, and a parody novel. Unique among pulp novels of the time, the gay characters in Song of the Loon are strong and romantically drawn, traits which have earned the book a place in the canon of gay American literature. Genres LGBT Fiction Historical Fiction Queer Erotica Gay Christian Wilde Gay Wiki Loading interface About the author. Christian Wilde Gay Wiki Amory 16 books 6 followers. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews. While at first glance Song of the Loon seems to be little more than an overripe sexual picaresque, very quickly the physical journey that structures the narrative begins taking on deep psychospiritual resonances as each handsome and hunky man the main character encounters helps him understand and embrace some part of his physical attraction to other men. The intentionally grandiose tone and mythic aspirations can seem rather overwrought and more than a bit silly when read today; perhaps even more difficult to tolerate is the representation of Native American culture and individuals, which is the stuff of "noble savage" archetypes. It makes complete sense that Amory's book became such a touchstone for an entire generations of gay men. To be quite honest, I kind of regret that my own generation hasn't really been capable of retaining a space for this type of thing within our own tenuously maintained queer culture. Gerry Burnie. Author 8 books 33 followers. Imagine, therefore, that the Song of the Loon, by Richard Amory [re-released by Arsenal Pulp Press, May 1, ] was first published three years before Stonewall, and 16 years before the Bathhouse Raids. That make it a true artefact, and as an unapologetic homoerotic novel, it is also somewhat of a legend. They were. However, they were generally badly written, and could only be purchased through P. Although I was aware of Song of the Loon, and remember the making of themotion picture version, starring John Christian Wilde Gay Wiki, Morgan Royce and Lancer Ward, I never got around to reading the novel until now. I was struck, therefore, by the amount of sexual content albeit not as explicitly written as today and the gutsyness of the both the author and publisher in publishing it. The plot and style are noteworthy, as well. This is not to belittle the story in any way, for I think we have all wished for a Garden of Eden existence where the inhabitants are all hunky and horny, the risks are minimal, and homophobia does not exist. If you are looking for the ultimate feel good story, you should give this one a try. Enthusiastically recommended. Four bees. SONG OF THE LOON is a strange book -- too porny to be a mere sylvan romance, but too idyllic to approximate conventional expectations of pornography, gay or straight. A lone wanderer takes on the American West of the late 19th Century, meets all kinds of men from all kinds of cultures frequently Native American and ends most chapters with the sharing of ideals and orgasms. One oft-quoted description of the book describes it as a mash-up of James Fenimore Cooper and Jean Genet, to which I might add Jean-Jacques Rosseau, because the "savages" encountered are quite noble indeed. The overarching theme seems to be that true love at least, the same-sex kind Christian Wilde Gay Wiki impossible within the constraints of Victorian-American "culture" and Judaeo-Christian "civilization.
Dubois, « Sociologie de la culture », Encyclopaedia Universalis en ligne , You can take one semester only and get ECTS for that semester but you will not have reached a B2 level. Erwartet wird eine gründliche Vorbereitung der Texte sowie eine aktive Teilnahme an den Diskussionen. The main character falls in love each chapter literally. Progress reports Session 6 Exchange with Animation Studies students: prepare joint creation of virtual world.. Have awareness of the ongoing reception — and retrospective projection — of early modern ideas, notions and concepts in the twenty-first century.
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