Vennhauser AlleeDüsseldorf Boys'n'Beats Liebknechtstr. Stock Theodor-Rumpel-Weg 19Hamburg Gay Partytrain NEUSSER STRASSE 8a, Jüchen Gay Partytrain: DuisburgGay Partytrain: DüsseldorfGay Partytrain: GrevenbroichGay Partytrain: MönchengladbachGay Partytrain: Von Oberhausen zum CSD AmsterdamGay Ski Week Poststrasse, Konstanz Gazometer Boelkeweg 3, Münster Gebäude 9 Deutz-Mülheimer-Str. Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 3, Bochum Gloria Theater Apostelnstr. Pauli Spielbudenplatz 21, Hamburg Klubhaus Kleppingstr. Dellbrügge 5Essen Tentorium Festivalpark Hambornerstrasse 40, Duisburg Tequilas Club Sandstr. Quicklinks: Gay Köln Gay Berlin CSD-Termine. Home Magazin Termine Guide Fotos. Javascript is required to view this map. Video der Woche. Alle Videos anzeigen ». Impressum Datenschutz Community AGB. Mediadaten Jobs Kontakt. Bitte melde Dich an, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können! Anmelden Login Registrieren. Alte Damenhandschuhfabrik. Alte Drahtzieherei. Alte Leipziger Bank. Alte Münze Spreewerkstätten. Autonomes Zentrum - Wuppertal. Autonomes Zentrum Köln. Autonomes Zentrum Mülheim. Ballhaus Ost. Basement unter der Christuskirche. BEACH CLUB DÜSSELDORF. Bebop Tanzschule. Bloomclub Wuppertal. Brotfabrik Bonn-Beuel. Bungalow Augsburg Ex-Glyzerin. Bürgerhaus Stollwerck. Bürgerzentrum Ehrenfeld. Chapiteau - Das etwas andere Zirkuszelt. Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld [CBE]. Club Johnny Mauser. Connection Club. Die neue Wiener Steffi. Diskothek Pavillion. ELORIA — Erlebnisfabrik.
Let's be queer, open-minded, visible, peaceful and equal. Only cash payment possible. Blitz, Cruise, Deep, Garry Klein, Holey, Lovers, Rote Sonne, Snaked, The Werkroom, WIGZ and WUT on one dancefloor. The rainbow family area has been an integral part of the Munich CSD for more than ten years. Association queer-pfaffenhofen.
PRIDEWEEKS JUNE 8 to 23, 2024
Mostly we start on Fridays at 7 pm in the youth centre. Please note that for organisational reasons you have to register in advance. Karlson, Karlstr. Karlson Club, Karlstraße 17, Frankfurt / Main. Here you can find our dates. Und das erwartet euch die nächsten Tage: Sa. • ab 12 Uhr Blasmusik mit den. 17, Frankfurt / Main. Kantine Augsburg, Am Exerzierplatz 25 a, Augsburg. Volksfest ; Regenbogenarea · ; Pink Sunday · ; Die Regenbogen-Area beim Wäldchestag · ; „Gaywiesn“, Bier und „Dirndl. Davor gibt's die Ricardos live ab 12 Uhr bei uns im Schaller Zelt Stad'l!The presenters of the community stage are Bernd Müller and Lilith Reim. Association diakonie-muc-obb. Tipp: vorab checken z. Audio and video material embedded from external providers like YouTube, Vimeo oder SoundCloud. You can write anonymous messages to other numbers on slips of paper. Rainbow Family Center The Rainbow Family Center Munich is a meeting place, but also a specialist and advice center for all matters relating to the topic. Evangelische Jugend München Small truck. Rockfabrik Augsburg. Mia's authentic lyrics are underlined by her individual voice and catchy melodies. Open to everyone, also over Festsaal Kreuzberg. Upcoming events of "die JUNGS". International Queer Meetup Munich Foot group. On the evening before Pride, on June 21 from pm, all GOC members are invited to the big 20th anniversary reception at the Alpine Museum on Praterinsel. RheinEnergie Stadtion. Celebrate with us! Particularly popular at the CSD: the bouncy castle, which of course will not be missing this year either. Timetable — Check-in — Traditional Mozambican Dance 1. Drittanbieter-Cookies YouTube Vimeo Facebook Twitter. Free entry. Organizer: Melodiva e. We talk about the realisation of fantasies and possible locations. Feel free to drop us a message! An event is missing here? Tentorium Festivalpark. Foot group Association queer-pfaffenhofen.